Sunday, September 23, 2018


"Depression" is the silent killer I wanna talk about today. 
It has claimed lots of lives, it has destroyed a lot in the human body, it has scattered and rendered many homes useless.

Depression is that wicked end time disease that is causing a lot of violence and unending bitterness. Depression has turned many good boys to bad devils and many good girls to wicked witches.
 Depression has on its own sent people from a high level standard of living to paupers and beggars. Depression has stolen a lot of dreams and shattered a lot of destinies.

Depression has turned first class products to mere mad fellows on the streets. Depression turns a young promising chap to a street wondering vagabond. Depression will make a young flourishing girl look like an old woman whose been farming all her life, depression will turn a young high school boy an armed robber. Yes depression has taken a whole lot from humanity and its time to rise up and fight depression out of our lives and live joyfully again. Depression is what made king Saul to sort after David's life, depression is what made King David to rent his clothes and behave like a mad man, depression is what made Sampson to kill lots of souls at his death,depression is what had made Lucifer to keep hunting for souls that will join him in hell fire, depression is what made Eli to give up the ghost when he heard the news of his sons death, depression is what pushed Cain to kill Abel, depression is what made Judah's Iscariot to commit suicide, the list is endless, you can add yours in your mind, as you read the article and meditate.
Depression is another word for destruction( this is a definition from Gracedfavour's dictionary). It all depends on how depression hits you, that will determine when it finally destroys you, it hits some people like a car accident that claims life immediately(like in Eli's case),it hits some people like an incurable disease which delays before it kills them e.g cancer n AIDS. Depression in whatever form it creeps into your life is coming for just one mission, which is to destroy and kill you.
Depression is a sin, ( for the wages of sin is death) Romans 6;23, Depression is a thief and it comes just to steal, kill and destroy ( Jon10:10, depression is an enemy to humanity, it attacks both the old and the young.  Depression has turned joy to pain, it has turned peace to war, it has turned love to violence, it has turned friendship to bitterness,envy,jealousy and hatred. Depression beclouds the mind and blocks the brain, it doesn't allow people to view life from a positive angle , it keeps breeding and multiplying negativity, it plants fear over every thing and deposits inferiority in the human brain. Depression is bad because it doesn't just make you fight others, it makes you fight yourself. 
Depression as it is, causes heart burn, headache,indigestion,stomach ache,liver blockage, heart failure,kidney failure,varicose and spider veins, skin aging, affects the vision, causes cancer,heart attack,chest pain, asthma,severe psychological and mental derailment, various skin diseases, ulcer,infertility,poor erection, low sperm count, migraines,stroke,epilepsy,suicide, etc.....the list is actually endless, name as many diseases as possible, contact your doctor about it, and they will tell you its actually linked to depression; Having said all these, I want you to have a time out with yourself, try yo list out endless reasons why depression crept into your life, so that you can get ready to send it pa king, same way it came in, its not something to own or keep or have, discard it immediately and get your free God given life back. Yes.....its your life and you have the right to live it joyfully, happily and enthusiastically.

 Now the causes of depression are endless, just like the endless ways in which it attacks the human body.
1) Depression could come because of failure to achieve a particular goal, or normal failure in school, or even failure in life, the more you try, the more you fail, never give up.....once your time clicks,you'll start ticking and overcoming.
2) Depression could come as a result of separation, either from spouse, from parents, from.relatives, friends, church members, community etc ....whatever may be the case, brace-up and show the world that you're a God-carrier, therefore you birth Joy. 
3) Depression could come as a result of heartbreak , either from spouse,lover,close friend, children's disappointment, death of a loved one. Dice-up and give yourself a treat, you deserve the best, life is one, get ready to live it to the fullest, with or without anyone. You don't need a backup to live your life.
3) Depression could come as a result of negligence and rejection, don't let that bother you, fill in Jesus in every vaccum in your life, you'd heart, your soul and your spirit.Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.John14:6a.
4) Depression could be manipulated into your life by enemies who wanna destroy you, when once you site it, please wake up, rush to a fast food, buy yourself a plate of icecream and chicken lap or wing, enjoy it with potato chips n ketchup , exercise more often by speaking in tongues like you're mad and that yoke of depression will be broken.

1) Let Jesus Christ into your heart, confess Him as your Lord and personal Saviour.

2)Give yourself regular treats to the cinema,to the park, to an eatery,to a music or comedy concert, attend lots of ceremonies keep yourself off some thoughts.

3) Take a work, hang out with friends,watch movies,read books, video yourself dancing in front of a mirror lots of stuffs you felt where abnormal, but are absolutely OK for your health. Learn to cook new dishes, engage your friends in a football discussion, talk about movie stars, sleep for at least 8-10 hrs daily, over the weekends have 6-12hrs of sleep, until you're free from depression.
4) learn to forgive ,even before you're hurt by anyone. Let life go easily around you.
5) Make friends with little kids and with the elderly ones. 

Make sure you exercise regularly .
See you at the top. Good luck to you, as you take out time to send depression packing from your life forever.

Feel free to drop questions and contributions in the comments section, or send an email to
You're free to refer a friend for counseling and advice.

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